Colorful, Exciting, Memorable and Fun To Read

The Santa Committee
Available at Amazon 
In Hardcover, Paperback and Kindle

Highly Recommended Reading - The Santa Committee is an interactive Christmas adventure children's book designed to share what the Christmas season is all about – The JOY and LOVE we share with others when we give, share, or help others.

That’s what the season is all about and the spirit of Christmas that puts a smile on everyone’s face. The book includes One Official Santa Committee Application, One Acceptance letter from Santa Claus, and 40 fun, daily joy-spreading activities.

Created as a wonderful children’s story, The Santa Committee shares one Head Elf’s endeavor to bring back joy. This task was asked by Santa himself, as joy was running very low that year and he was afraid he would have to cancel Christmas! 

In place high atop the North Pole is the Enchanted Sugar Shadow Forest. This mystical place is where all the Elves reside to help Santa. The Head Elftress, Elfanore, is enlisted by Santa to bring back the joy and magic to Christmas.

The Santa Committee is formed and you’ll see all the magic they spread. For this, they are known as “spreaders” – Spreaders of joy and love during the magical season we call Christmas! 

Children and adults alike will delight in the fun activities created to spread little acts of kindness and joy wherever they go!

Colorfully illustrated, this is a classic you will want to read to your little ones every Christmas season.  Christian Book Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of The Santa Committee at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

What Does A Christian Marriage Look Like

Wow, I Want What They Have: 
Sanctified Marriage: Heavens Above “For Better or Worse”
By: Pastor K. Bruce Brown

Wow, I Want What They Have: Sanctified Marriage: Heavens Above “For Better or Worse” written by Pastor K. Bruce Brown is a book that encompasses marriage, yet speaks of connecting to God as our Abba Father first. Offering great insight to those who would seek to come up higher in marriage, and all of their relationships! 

Pastor K. Bruce Brown presents a book that builds faith, reveals the spiritual realm, coining the phrase, “Earth Life Bias” (ELB), and offers readers instruction on how to build a solid foundation in Christ, while increasing in faith, love, joy, and peace as a citizen of Heaven. He welcomes all to the family of God while offering a new perspective approach to living the triumphant plan God has for your life here on Earth, marriage included.

As an overall theme, Pastor K. Bruce Brown presents an understanding of “postmodernism” that has turned the truth upside down. This is an important point. Stating that the world is at an “end time” high of tolerating ungodly behaviors; we must teach our children the Word of God and God’s ways. In case you had not noticed the state's desire to take your children. Therefore, the Pastor strongly urges Christians to continually seek His Kingdom first, above all else. 

This book carries weightiness and holiness and is a timely word for all Christians, married or not. With keen insight, Pastor K. Bruce Brown sounds a call for change. His book offers valuable life-changing information. Some could compare this book to gazing through a prism of light with many multi-faceted colors, emanating from each angle. The author speaks in plain terms but opens eyes and ears to both the earthly realm and the heavenly realm revealing the two kingdoms that collide here on Earth. 

*Additionally, in the latter part of the book, the author discusses the book of Daniel. He speaks about the end times and builds faith, answering questions one might have.

This book comes highly recommended for those looking to delve into a deep and dedicated relationship, seeking to know their Abba Father, and His ways, and bring their life and marriage to a Kingdom level of living and breathing in the Kingdom. A wonderful read! CBM Christian Book Reviews ~ 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Available In Paperback at Amazon

Title: Jesus and the Two Storms
By: Roland Ramirez
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Divinely inspired, Roland Ramirez, breaks down the two storms written in the books of Matthew and Mark. Studying and commenting on each verse, readers catch a glimpse of the context and learn lessons of faith to find victory. Readers will discover new and fresh insights, as these stories that build character and faith within the body of Christ. Learn to overcome life’s trials, and glean from these two storms, to understand that with Jesus, you are never alone and you can get through to victory in your life’s storms.

We all are familiar with the storm that arose wherein the disciples were terrified and the Lord seemed to be asleep in the bow of the boat. The other storm arose and Jesus was walking on water; Peter called out to Him, and then Jesus spoke to Peter to “Come.”  When God says, “Come,” what is our response? This book is written to help readers understand various aspects of each of these two storms. Do we get out of the boat? Do we have faith? When do we call out to Jesus for help?

The theme of the book is a call to endurance, and to call out to our Lord quickly, knowing that we can experience victory no matter what storm we may experience in life with Jesus helping or at the helm of our boat. Each chapter begins with a scripture, followed by an explanation with several introspective questions at the end. This book could be used individually, or in a group Bible setting. A salvation prayer at the back is included for those who need to reach out to the Lord. This is a wonderful way to reach out to the lost, teach them, increase their faith, and encourage them to walk through their trials with the Lord in their lives.

Also, a must-read book for every Christian as a reminder to Whom we follow and for encouragement within all the trials we face in this life.

This book helps one to refocus on the Lord and Scripture, and also to remember that no one is excluded from the trials and tests of this life; yet, we have Jesus and His victory to help us walk through any storm, situation, or circumstance. A great encouragement and challenge to learn to lean on the Lord at all times.

You may get your copy of Jesus and the Two Storms at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Title: The Revelation of the Cross for You
By: Roland Ramirez
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

The Revelation of the Cross for You by Roland Ramirez, (spent twenty years in the making of this book), gives readers a greater understanding of how the crucifixion of Christ reversed curses set forth by sin. 

Taking the reader back to the beginning, this is a fast-paced read to understand the nature of crucifixion, its origins, and its purpose in the Roman Empire. He blends historical and Biblical facts, Adam and Eve’s sin compared to the cross, and how that represents our healing from the cross. We are set free from not only sin, but shame, guilt, and so much more. He weaves such an interesting read that one will come to understand that he did not receive this revelation from any other source, yet this has been revealed to the author through prayer and the Word. This is a powerful and easy-to-read book that brings wonderful and compassionate insight to the multiple blessings of the cross for you.

Brief and to the point, the author stays true to Scripture with chapters such as: The Crucifixion, The Triumphal Entry, The Prayer in the Garden, The Sweat, The Blindfold, Scourged, The Crown of Thorns, The Beard and The Cheeks, The Reed and The Staff, The Hands, The Feet, Forsaken, The Last Breath, The Side, The Focus with Multiple Purposes, The Tree of Life, Conclusion & Suggested Prayer of Salvation. All chapters focus on the wounds and significance of the wounds received by Jesus in His own body on the cross and what that means for you.

Truly, this man has written as directed by the Lord and helps one to deeply understand the suffering and the significance of The Revelation of the Cross for You! 

A highly recommended read for ALL, whether believer or not!

You may get your copy of The Revelation of the Cross for You at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Title: Who is Santa Claus Biblically?
By: Roland Ramirez
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Ronald Ramirez, a pastor, asks this question, “Who is Santa Claus Biblically?” This is a good question as we approach the Christmas season. The tree, the presents, the celebration – have you ever wondered where the idea of Santa Claus came from? The author answers that question with a brief history of Santa Claus and blends the true meaning of the season, laying out for all Christians plainly but simply. An interesting read that begs the question: Who and What are you celebrating? His book explains the “unfortunate icon” of the season of Christmas that has been created through the mythical fantasy of Santa Claus that children, families, etc. take part in all over the world. 

Stating that Santa Claus does not exist in the Bible and one has to piece things together from the Word of God to make sense as to why the legend of Santa Claus exists, readers will be in shock and awe as they continue to read what the author reveals. As most know, the idea of “Santa Claus” is derived from a man known as Saint Nicholas. A monk who lived approximately 260 -280 A.D. in a village called Patara, now part of modern-day Turkey. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

The author continues a short overview of how the idea of Santa Claus came, which most likely, most of us don’t already know. From there he continues with chapters such as: The Ornament, The Tree, Santa Claus, The Threefold Strategy and Attack Method, Ho!Ho!Ho! Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, How I Got This Message, Righteous Fruit, Spread the Word, My Heart’s Desire, Closing Prayers, and a Conclusion help readers truly understand Who and What is to be worshipped during this season.

A highly recommended read for anyone interested in finding purpose behind the so-called “Christmas” season, and for those interested in truly worshipping ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives. The author gives facts and does not malign anyone, but rather shifts the focus for readers from the worship of false idols to the true and living God.

One might be truly surprised as to the seriousness of the issue according to the Word of God. 

I have to thank the author personally for writing this book. I am also having every family member read this book! 

You may get your copy of Who is Santa Claus Biblically? at Amazon and in Kindle as a download

A Wonderful Truth in God’s Word

A very highly recommended read. Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me – A Child’s Body Safety Guide by Reina Davison speaks to children, telling them they are “Overcomers.” 

This is a wonderful truth in God’s Word, as she begins the book by the definition of what an overcomer is. Opening children’s eyes to the truth of God’s purpose and plans for them, she goes on to describe God’s gift of free will. 

Describing Good Touch and Bad Touch; she elaborates on these two and what that can encompass. There are Good Touch people and Bad Touch people. Her book gives hope to children who have or have not experienced abuse by speaking the truth of God’s love and care for their body. She also teaches children how to prevent abuse by giving them the tools to know the difference between a healthy relationship and unhealthy relationships.

Writing from a biblical perspective, yet incredibly gentle and simple, Reina Davison gives hope and guidance that exposes the darkness and sin of the enemy lurking in our lives. These people are unsafe and “No Touch” people as Reina explains. Her premise teaches children the principle of becoming “Overcomers” in Christ Jesus. This is a fantastic book that teaches wonderful and enlightening spiritual truths to children. (Note: This book just may encourage adults as well; teaching them that they are overcomers!) I personally enjoyed the uplifting truths to her book and thought…I wish I had a book such as this when I was a child. You will be delighted by this book as well.

As a guidebook, this book teaches parents, caregivers, family members, etc., to understand what safe behavior is in and out of the home. Her Body Safety guide in the back provides a checklist for adults to adhere to in protecting children. With beautiful illustrations, the author sheds light on walking in the truth of God’s Word, while giving them instruction of their enemy (the devil), the Bible, and Jesus, offering hope and encouragement to look to Jesus as their help and Savior. Her book shows that God has a good plan for them and cares for them. She shares that they are Overcomers and can defeat the enemy (the devil) and that because of Jesus, they too can choose to be of Good Cheer (be happy). 

This book comes highly recommended for all children who need to be taught encouraging truths about God’s Word, and especially is a tool to be used by parents, counselors, pastors, child psychologists, medical personnel, and lay persons to teach about healthy sexual boundaries.  

To tell you the truth, this is one of those books parents should utilize in teaching their children about bad people that sin and touch inappropriately. She has given a list of resources in the back of the book, and is an advocate of ending child sexual abuse. Written with grace, wisdom, and sensitivity to children’s pure intellects, this book does a wonderful job in tackling a difficult subject.

Finding The Compassion of Christ presents, Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Protection -- A Guide for Parents, Caregivers and Helpers by Reina Davison offers a 3-part handbook to parents, caregivers, and helpers to aid in protection against child sexual abuse. 

Using biblical principles, stages of development in children, this book teaches, educates and gives parents the arsenal they need to educate themselves and their families in either prevention or healing from traumatic child sexual abuse (CSA).

Giving the definitions of child sexual abuse (CSA) and the staggering statistics in our nation, coupled with the abuse worldwide – the abuse of children is unprecedented. 

Our world, day and age is raging with this sin against the most innocent of beings – children. Abuse comes in many forms and can be quite insidious, thus the author’s efforts focus on sexual abuse. She also gives insight into the psychiatric dynamics of a sexual predator or offender. Her book is well-rounded and an overview on the subject of CSA that gives knowledge, help and guidance as a manual for prevention and protection against such crimes.

A comprehensive handbook, one can glean the contents and find out not only how to use her guide, but understand how to limit internet media and device pornography, recognize strategies of perpetrators, giving tips of what to do and what not to do – parents, caregivers and helpers can help recognize, prevent and protect children against childhood sexual abuse. This guide is an invaluable resource, offering also an overview of the main reasons for abuse (the psychology of abusers) to help readers spot unsafe behaviors, giving them a guidebook in tracking and preventing child sexual abuse.

With a section on educating your child on this subject, this book takes all the pieces of a giant puzzle, and even sheds light on the judicial system in relation to this issue. With different stages of age, such as birth to toddler, toddler to five, six to twelve, and twelve to eighteen, the author has broken down the different stages of growth, exposing the different levels of opportunity that sexual predators may use against a child at these ages, along with age appropriate environments and care providers.

A mjust read  book that comes as a highly recommended guide and handbook for parents and caregivers as well as for those dealing with such issues, pastors, police, counselors, child psychologists, medical staff, and the court system will find this information useful in teaching child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention and protection!

“Thank you, Reina Davison, for your work to protect the vulnerable children of the world!” ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews. Visit author Reina Davison at Overcoming Abuse for more information about her books or at her Amazon Books Page. You may get your copy of Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Prevention and Protection at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

A Highly Recommended Read

With the makings for a fantastic movie – Day of Reckoning by Valeria Massey Goree satisfies the heroine within in this novel offering Christian values and themes intertwined that make for a great novel (or movie)

Day of Reckoning by Valerie Massey Goree offers a fast-paced Christian fiction romantic suspense novel with plenty of action and hold-on-to-your seat twists and turns to keep readers holding on until the end.

Lela Ortiz, a private investigator for the IRO (International Retrieval Operation) is dedicated to her job. She is one of their best agents. Her hardcore demeanor and prickly nature has earned her respect; although, she knows all too well that relinquishing control and trust makes her vulnerable. Holding on too tight to her job, her inner issues begin to surface and hinder her. With coping mechanisms intact and a new mission at hand, Lela wonders if change will ever be possible.  Who can she trust besides herself? Her job is to rescue others; yet, she may need rescuing. 

Blending elements of surprise, suspense and the action-packed adventure of Lela, a tough as steel woman, the author writes to highlight the issues of the heart through her lead characters. Lela, who likes to do things her own way, leads the way through this novel. Lela tends to expect too much of others and herself, giving more than 100 percent always.  

Jay, a surprisingly handsome and level-headed Christian man, brings mounting suspense. His sister’s husband has been kidnapped under questionable and strange circumstances. Each step leads Lela closer to what she thought would never be possible. Other characters soon ensue, lending to the nature of this novel as an intriguing and well-balanced in its genre of police work.


A highly recommended read for those who appreciate a fast-paced thriller novel with values of love, faith, trust, remembering to let go of the past.

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of 
Day of Reckoning in Kindle as a download. 
Be sure to see other book releases by Valerie Massey Goree at Amazon.

A Last Days End Time Thriller


Mark Norris - Sword of the Spirit 

There is more than meets the human eye in our day to day living. Surrounding us every minute is an invisible world thronged with good and evil spirits seeking to influence our lives. Their theater of operations is outside of our physical containment, yet as close in our daily lives as a television signal.  

Cold War Army veteran/theologian Mark Norris invites you to visit this invisible world in his last-days fantasy thriller Sword of the Spirit. Join the mission in this riveting page-turner adventure through Sahron’s otherly regions of darkness and the trumpets of Revelation to the end of the age.

For more information about Author Mark Norris and his book, visit Sword of the Spirit 

God's Dove Sent

A Must Read Book

Abba's Sanctuary 

Abba’s Sanctuary book l and 2 are stories the Father wanted me to write to show people how he will bring not only people in your life to help but also his creations to protect, nurture, and give knowledge to children what he has created and how each creation has a place in the world which are important to him. 

I had no idea that this would happen to me, the children, and staff. We were surprised at each one, and we did our best to care for each one as they came to us. There is love in each story, and I hope you can feel what I felt as each creature came forth. 

Giving facts to children is important for their development and letting them know how wonderfully rich we are to have the opportunity to understand and watch his creations, though living in the wild, be a part of our lives up close.

The Book of Hebrews

Christian Author, Bible teacher Matthew A. Knight ~ Hebrews: The Absolute Supremacy of Christ offers a quick Bible study, relating the once and for all atonement of Jesus Christ crucified unveiling and ushering in a New Covenant. The Old Covenant with the shedding of the blood of animals is now obsolete as a covering for sin. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, His blood being the only way to receive forgiveness of sin is now evident as the writer of Hebrews explains faith in the Messiah, the Son of God, whom the Jews had crucified. Unfolding the revelation of man, angels, Jesus as the High Priest of a the New Covenant and our future worship in an earthly tabernacle, the book of Hebrews defines our (the Saints') relationship within this New Covenant, giving understanding to faith in the shed blood of Jesus, who is the pure sacrificial Lamb of God - a sacrifice made by Jesus that is the all-sufficient atonement for all.

Bring All The Tithes Into the Storehouse

Malachi 3:10 "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now in this," says the Lord of hosts, ....  

Some people attend one place, but send their "tithes" to another ministry. They become disobedient to the Lord, because He classifies it only as an offering, and not tithes. This action robs them of many blessings. Supposing I had a friend who owned a restaurant, but I chose to eat at another restaurant.  What would happen when it came time to pay the bill, if I told the cashier that instead of paying them, I would give the money to the people at the other restaurant?  They could accuse me of trying to defraud their restaurant. 

We fall into the same category when we send our tithes to another ministry. Tithes belong to the church you attend and get fed, offerings can be given there, as well as sent to other ministries.  

The Many Dangers and Pitfalls That Christians encounter - 12 Titanic Lessons for Christians by Charles C. Hagan

Fast-paced, well-researched and with valuable Christian values and life lessons, discover how to navigate the waters of life.

12 Titanic Lessons for Christians by Charles C. Hagan Jr. presents a powerful, intriguing look into history's past, as "history can be our greatest teacher."  Using the 1912 Titanic sinking metaphorically, the author gives insight into the warnings, dangers and signs that ultimately led to the needless loss of over 1,500 lives in the icy Atlantic sea over 100 years ago.  Elaborating the many dangers and pitfalls Christians encounter, the author, uses the example of the Titanic, and keenly offers a parallel scenario in the life of many Christians.  Whether you are a Christian or not, you will find these warning signs and dangers that the Titanic ignored, ring true for all of humanity. Timeless in nature, this book captures the essence of the Titanic's sinking and presents far reaching repercussions into our modern-day life that call for our attention and action.  ----- Our eternity is at stake! 

Intertwining scripture, the author teaches one to build upon biblical principles versus worldly principles.  Encouraging all to uncover the hidden dangers in life, such as trusting in wealth, and thinking that (you) are unsinkable, the author also gives the opportunity to seek Jesus Christ as your "life raft" in life – presenting time-tested biblical principles that cannot fail. A wonderful, unforgettable read.

You may get your copy of 12 Titanic Lessons for Christians at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at Millennium Vision Press

Using Christian Book Marketing to share Christian books with the world.

What Is It To Be Born Again - Set Free by Peggy Yellen


Christian Author Peggy Yellen's Set Free - sharing her born-again experience and spiritual journey through life to the abundant grace and truth of God.  Being "re-born" by the Spirit of God, Peggy Yellen shares scripture and what it means to be truly born-again.  Peggy encourages all to come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by presenting to readers the reality of life in Christ.

Her story is remarkable and demonstrates the power of God to see His children through the darkest of times, revealing His unfailing love.  Testifying to the power of God and deliverance from the darkest pit of despair, Set Free is a short, yet encouraging life memoir offering hope to the saved and the unsaved – inspiring all to look to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  This is a must read.

You may order your copy of Set Free by Peggy Yellen at Amazon, at Barnes and Noble.and at other fine online bookstores. Get your copy today ...

Christian Novel Reading - EMMA RIGHT'S DEAD DREAMS

Created as a young adult contemporary psychological thriller, this emotional drama takes readers on a journey through main character, Brie's life. 


Young Brie, has just turned eighteen and she knows what she wants.  Now on her own for her first time, common sense seems to get thrown out the window as she lets Sarah, an heiress to a coal mining fortune enter her world. At first things are polite, but strange happenings begin to occur as Brie starts to wonder about Sarah—did she make a mistake? 

Filled with the theme of eternity, destiny and finding one's true desires…this read comes highly recommended as Brie's dreams quickly morph into nightmares with dire consequences.  Will Brie continue to throw out common sense and keep her roommate? 

Emma Right takes the reader on many twists and turns throughout this psychological mystery thrill ride, basing this novel on the scripture, "What if a man gains the whole world, but loses his soul?"  Ingeniously and masterfully written, Emma Right, has created a hugely popular series, sure to inspire and encourage young adults to turn from selfish ambition into the loving arms of Jesus Christ, Savior of all.

Emma Right is a happy wife, Christian homeschooler and mother of five living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA. Besides running a busy home, and looking after their five pets, which includes two cats, two bunnies and a longhaired dachshund, she also writes stories for her children. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get their little noses in one.  Right worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children.

Get your copy of Dead Dreams: Book 1 and other books by Emma Right at Amazon. Dead Dreams: Book 1 is also available in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.

Be sure to visit Emma Right at her author's website for tips and ideas about books, homeschooling, bible devotions, and other great ministry. You may follow Emma at her Facebook page

Christian Author Book Releases, sharing Christian authors with the world.

The Grandest Battle Of All - God’s Strategic Plan

Author Robert V. Fullerton, in his new book, God's Strategic Plan, sheds light on the amazing history of mankind through a biblical perspective - revealing the amazing destiny, identity and purpose planned for mankind, encouraging all to find their own purpose in God. 

Beginning with a look at the grandest battle of all – the war in Heaven mentioned in Genesis, the author presents a biblical overview of mankind's drama from Genesis to Revelation, ending in the climatic reality of the Cross and salvation, encouraging all to take part in God's Kingdom as Fishers of Men. Fascinating, uplifting and with keen insight, God's Strategic Plan, illuminates for all the past, present and future history of mankind, ultimately leading to God's counter attack and strategic plan for all of humanity. 

With such chapters as: The Origin of Strategic Planning, In the Beginning, Earth-the Battlefield, The Battle of Eden, God's Chosen People, The Creator Strikes Back, Enter the Dragon's Lair, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Slaying of the Dragon, The Triumph of the Lamb, "Follow Me and I will Make You Fisher's of Men, What's My destiny Mama?, and Finding Your destiny in God – all believers will find insight into their own destiny-filled purpose with God.  Offering immense hope and inspiration, the author presents practical scriptural application to finding one's true-identity in Christ within His Kingdom.  A highly recommended read!      

God's Strategic Plan
Robert V. Fullerton, CPA and MBA
Review Date: May 5, 2014
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of God's Strategic Plan at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores.

Life and the Hereafter

The Saving of a Soul called, The Hereafter by Larry Jones sheds light on Eternity and asks, "Where will you spend your Eternity?"  Offering the truth from the Bible, Jones gives understanding to what the Bible has to say about salvation, the End Times, leading up to the coming Judgment as defined in Hebrews 9:27 and much, much more.  Death is inevitable –  as the author notes. But did you know that there is a very real place called Hell and that Heaven is not a myth?  Come discover what the Bible has to say about both and make a decision today for Jesus Christ today.

As an apostle and prophet, Larry Jones is, "Planting the Word of God for eternal and true abundant life into believer's hearts."  His mission, as a visionary leader, is to tear down, root out, pull down and destroy the kingdoms of darkness.  He is the founder of the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries who are planting 49 mega churches, and a 10,000 seat auditorium to surround this nation with the Glory of God.  God has also given Larry another vision to create another TBN/DayStar.  Ministering to the world the eternal Word of God.  Jones is also multi-published author, seeking to ignite passion for Jesus.

Get your copy of The Saving of a Soul called, The Hereafter at Amazon, and in Kindle Edition.. You may also visit Author Larry Jones at Christian Reading, at Save My Soul Lord and at Change Your World by Thought.

Be sure to see Pastor Larry Jones at The Sherry Bronson Show for further information and some great ministry.