Road To Damascus

The compassion of Christ is not simply a catchy word or phrase. It is the heart of God. We see it in the life, ministry and death of Jesus. We read about it within the scriptures. We see in in Christ's death, burial and resurrection. We also see it in the Day of Pentecost, and in the life and ministry of the apostles.

Pauls life, ministry and writings speak of the love of Christ. Paul had a life changing encounter with God on the road to Damascus, and later in scripture Paul preaches and writes in great depths about the love of Christ.

Sometimes, we all need to encounter God on the road to Damascus. That life changing experience and encounter with God. May you have a God encounter like as Paul did. A life changing encounter with Christ that changes the very depths of your heart, soul and being. Paul didn't just find the compassion of Christ, the compassion of Christ found Paul.

Blessings in Christ
In His Glorious Name Ministries

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